Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Day Two

My second day at home. It's currently 2:11pm.
I tried a variation of the oatmeal recipe I posted yesterday on my spark people blog.
(I'll repost it in a separate entry after this). I used 1/4 c canned pumpkin (not pie mix), and used allspice instead of cinnamon. I also drizzled honey on it and sprinkled a tsp or so of brown sugar.

Tasted a little like pumpkin pie, but not much. Maybe I should use pumpkin pie mix instead since all the seasonings are in there correctly. I liked the variation over all however as I tend to be a person who gets bored doing the same thing every day.

Tomorrow I'm going to try peanut butter and banana. Peanut butter is one of my favorite protein sources outside of bean burritos. nom nom.

As to the writing bit, I'm doing a free write each morning to warm up for my writing sessions and I'm writing in two- hour blocks. This way my eyes don't get mad at me for staring at a computer screen for too long, and I don't run out of steam so easily.

Currently I am working on "Box of Buried Secrets", editing the first few chapters so my beta readers can look at them. I of course think each and every word is a jewel of the first water.
emoticon My beta readers are there to keep me firmly tethered to the ground however and give me real feedback. Once I am about half way done with editing the book I will start looking seriously for an agent, and networking however I can to that end.
Fingers crossed. 

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